Very bad experience for the test day. After having performed well at all the tests (cf below), the test day arrived and my score went below my worst nightmare.
I'm looking forward for any advice / help about what to do. Retake in the next days ? Retake in the next weeks ? I am leaving for work in roughly 3 weeks and I won't be able to pass the test again for a few months due to work constraints. Should i stop completely for a longuer period ?
- My appointment was scheduled at 9.30. The test center opened at 9.25 (the students who had the test at 9.15 were even more nervous!)
- AWA went well with classical subjects
- My pen did not work anymore after 20 minutes of quant, I then started to make silly mistakes for 2 or 3 questions. The second pen did not work much better but at least I could use it
- I thought the verbal went right until I saw my final score
- The tricks given in the "Thursdays with Ron" concerning the timing helped me to finish with 1 minute of margin for each part
Finally got a dispointing 650 Q47V32.
My scores were :
GMATprep1 740 Q50V41 (re- taken 2 days bfore the test, some questions were the same as the first time)
MGMAT6 730 Q50 V39 (taken 3 days before the test)
MGMAT5 700 Q45 V40 (taken 4 days before the test)
MGMAT4 680 Q46 V37 (taken one month before the test)
GMATprep2 700 (I do not have the splits anymore) - (taken 3 weeks before the test)
GMATprep1 640 - taken some months ago.
Thank you for your help