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Failed in GMAT second time, should i go for third time ?

by career.sumit Wed Feb 15, 2012 2:02 pm

Dear all
I want to share my GMAT exp. I scored 610(Q43 V31) in my first attempt taken on November 2011
Took my second attempt on 11 Feb 2012 and was disappointed to see the score after 50 days of hard work.
I scored 620 (Q48 V28). I did not finish the quant section in time, missed the last question by 5 sec(probably i would have scored a 49 or 50 had i completed the test on time).
However, i had a severe headache in the middle of the exam which strongly affected my performance. It was so unbearable that i wanted to get out of the test room after 10 mins. I was not able to read the questions.

The following were my scores in various practice tests
MGMAT free test 660 (Q47 V33)
Knewton free test 690 (Q49 V34)
Kaplan free test 700 (Q51 V34)
GMAT club diagnostic test (38/45)
GMAT club math 25 (31/37)
GMAT club knewton quant set (32/39)
MGMAT 1 700 (Q49 V36)
MGMAT 2 680 (Q49 V34)
MGMAT 3 730 (Q51 V38)
MGMAT 4 710 (Q51 V36)
MGMAT 5 710 (Q51 V36)
MGMAT 6 720 (Q50 V38)
GMAT prep 1 730 (Q51 V37)
GMAT prep 2 710 (Q50 V34)

I think i should try appearing for the GMAT once more. Since i have scored well on almost all the practice tests, its worth trying again.
Can someone help me. Need some suggestions and guidance.
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Joined: Sat Aug 13, 2011 4:07 am

Re: Failed in GMAT second time, should i go for third time ?

by bwh3655 Wed Aug 08, 2012 12:05 pm

I'm gonna take a stab at a couple things I think may be happening to you:

-Your quant is excellent. Your verbal is average. How much time are you devoting to your verbal studies, and how are you studying? For verbal especially, I find the best overall strategy is to eliminate 4 incorrect answers versus finding 1 correct answer (especially for SC/RC problems)

-You mentioned a cripling headache on test day. That is a huge reason for your disappointing score. I'm not sure exactly what your situation is, but headaches are most often caused by stress and/or lack of sleep. It's very important you arrive on your test day well-rested and in a good state of mind. Don't believe me? I took a CAT last week and scored 670 tired and with a bad headache. I took another CAT two days later with no further prep and well-rested....scored a 710. Coincidence? I think not.

-I recommend that you stop studying 2 days out from test day. I know it's tempting to cram some last minute prep, but this is only going to stress you out more. If you don't know how to do something 2 days out, you're not going to learn it before taking your test.

This may sound weird (coming from a complete stranger whom you will never meet) but I believe in you. You clearly have been working your tail off and definitely have the potential to get a very high score on this test. Hone in on your verbal skills a bit more, schedule your test (3rd time is brother took it 4 times and got into Ross), show up WELL-RESTED, and spank it.

EDIT: So it looks like I'm a wee-bit late (DOH!)...but hopefully this resinates with some. OP, if you're still on the forum, I'd love to know how things went.