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EMBA Admissions

by Guest Fri Aug 22, 2008 3:37 pm

I am wondering how my profile looks for an EMBA adcom board?

31,White Male, 7 years of full-time experience in asset management, 3 years in a senior role.

Strong letters of recommendations: (2) letters include; a previous managing associate that I worked under-- talks about my leadership and work ethic; and one letter from legal counsel/partner, whom I worked with on particular projects.--letter talks about ethics and attention to detail in our due diligence meetings.

Also, I have received formal awards from charitable organizations in the Northeast. I played college soccer back in the day.
undergrad from a tier 3 school, not a stellar GPA, so I took a few advanced finance courses and received 3.8 GPA . And my MGMAT CAT scores range between 580 and 630.--schedule to take the real thing in 2.5 weeks.

My list of EMBA programs so far is:

1. Georgetown
2. Cornell
3. Duke
4. Oxford Said

Would I be competitive? Any suggestions?


by MBAApply Fri Aug 22, 2008 5:42 pm

It comes down to a combination of your GMAT and quality of applications -- your GMAT really should be in the mid-600s or more to be competitive for the schools you mentioned. Beyond that, it's just a matter of putting together the applications and hoping for the best. I know you probably want someone to tell you a definitive "yes" or "no" but the real answer is "it's hard to say".

Alex Chu