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Dumped by GMAT-need help

by maheshjoshi25 Thu Dec 13, 2012 5:05 am


Just wrote the GMAT yesterday and scored mere 490( Quant 35,Verbal 23) in fourth attempt.I scored 440,450,460 in earlier attempts.I have been preparing for GMAT for two years.This time I took 8 mock test in last two months and scored in the range of 580( first mock test) to 660 in Manhattan tests and 660 and 750( with some repeats) in official tests.I did the following outside of Mock tests.

1) OG 12,OG 13,Quant review and Verbal review.
2) Powerscore bible for CR
3) Manhattan SC book for SC
4) Advanced GMAT Quant by Manhattan
5) Kaplan 800.

I spent lot of time on review and also maintained a error log.I kept revising the error log every five days.I took all the test in last two months.

Wanted to seek your imputs whether writing GMAT fifth time will be reflected badly for admission even if I improved my score to my target score of 660 to 700.

Would really appreciate your advice.

Regards and Thanks

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Re: Dumped by GMAT-need help

by ajithalexjacob Thu Dec 13, 2012 1:29 pm


Seems to me you are getting an overload of GMAT... Try taking a break and approaching it with a new frame of mind.
