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Disappointing Verbal Performance - 690 (Q45 V40)

by BE5K Mon Aug 11, 2008 5:40 pm


Today was the big day and I must say, I'm very disappointed. I scored much lower in the verbal section relative to my practice exams. (My last 2 MGMAT verbal scores were 45.)

My quant score was very consistent with my MGMAT test scores. I was hoping that my momentum in the verbal sections would translate to a good score on the exam.

I can't really say where I went wrong, but I can say that I didn't really feel comfortable during the verbal section. This may be related to a change in the GMAT, or it may just be the CAT doing what its supposed to do. I did see some CR answer choices that I'd never seen before....possibly experimental questions???


As painful as it is to open my stack of GMAT books again, I suppose I'll take another shot at it.

Good luck to those of you about to take the exam! Hope you fare better than I did!
