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Disappointed with my verbal 690 Q50 V31 Should I Retake

by ishubansal Fri Nov 19, 2010 4:53 pm

I was scoring 34-35-40 in verbal section of MGMAT. I scored 58 percentile on verbal with 31 score should i Re-take the test?

I am planning to apply for INSEAD, Booth and LBS
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Joined: Fri Nov 20, 2009 8:46 pm

Re: Disappointed with my verbal 690 Q50 V31 Should I Retake

by bhansony Sat Nov 20, 2010 5:27 pm

Yes, you should! .....I'm in a similar situation, Q49 V35 700. I'm going to take it again, but on my practice tests I still can't break the 35-37 range on verbal. It's weird because the OG verbal seems easy to me, but tests not so much.

Focus on raising that verbal, which will make a disproportianately large increase on your overall score (you could put in tons of time to raise math to 51, which is Einstein caliber, and it still wont increase your overall by anything. Sucks for those of us that are strong in math but verbally retarded)