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Died many deaths...still have a headache

by mirfan2 Tue Jan 31, 2012 4:05 am

We all have dark periods in our lives. We all face diffculties that seem insummonatable, we all encounter setbacks,and when we do, we'are often tempted to throw in the the towel.
In retrospect, I think that it is an advantage to have serious reversals in life. It made me pause and reflect and reexamine
the directon of my life. I scored so low that I am embarrassed to mention it on this forum. I scored a 6.0 on the AWA, which is the only silver lining in that dismal score of mine. I must collect the pieces from this rubble of mine and learn to crawl again. Perhaps it was the test anxiety, perhaps is was a lack of preparation, but perhaps it was destiny. With extreme shame, I mention my score, I scored a 350, I cared not to look at the distribution, but my quant score was tad lower and than my verbal score. On the two GMAT prep tests I scored a 580 (Q34 V36) and 610 (Q36 V41). I sent this score to my R2 schools, I hope that I don't get blacklisted for life. As mentioned earlier, I am determined to do better next time I take this test, I want to conquer my demons, but I am not sure how schools will react once they see this abomination.

To my MGMAT instructors,
I am truly sorry that I have let you down. I hope that I become a lesson for everyone who goes easy on his or her GMAT preparation. My score is a reflection my failure as a person, you as a teacher and a guide fulfilled your duties to the fullest extent, I wish that I should've at least tried to fulfill mine.....
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Re: Died many deaths...still have a headache

by abhitechie Fri Mar 02, 2012 6:52 pm

He who falls and stands again will live to fight another day ... 28273.html
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Re: Died many deaths...still have a headache

by darksudip Thu Jun 28, 2012 1:47 am

As you have mentioned that you are determined to do better next time and you said you want to conquer your demons, dont take too much pressure on yourself...

I am sure that every thing will be all right. Think Positive...
Good things often comes in your way if you keep on thinking it positively....

self hypnosis to get over stage anxiety
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Re: Died many deaths...still have a headache

by harshini994 Fri Jul 13, 2012 4:07 pm


You are a truly amazing person, you know that? To have the courage to admit that something went wrong is great. But to have to courage to learn from what went wrong is a quality that is so amazing and so rare. Your post has been an immense source of inspiration for me; not only in terms of GMAT prep, but also as a valuable lesson in life. To look back only to learn, to admit to mistakes along the way, but to never stop looking ahead. Wow, I really wish I knew you in person.

I know it's been quite some time since you posted, and I'm not sure if you'll be reading this - but I sincerely hope and pray you remain the amazing person you are throughout your life. When one door closes, another one is sure to open, we just need to find it. I hope you have found yours.