I wrote my gmat the 3rd time yesterday.
The first two attempts were
460 ( Q 35 V 20)
580 ( Q 47 V 23)
550 ( Q36 V 30) - 3 rd attempt.
So i have every reason to be depressed or confused. I really do not know what is happening!The practice tests which I took then under official conditions all gave me more than 680.
I also cannot fathom the fall from 47 - 36 ( This is absolutely bad)
after my second attempt my verbal improved(had to wrok really hard for this but quants pulls me down)
Quant Section:
I had close to 7 minutes left in quants section and i never felt the pressure the pacing was excellent and never was stuck in any concept , i had time to even double check few problems. I was confident of a 48-49. and I get this score.Considering I got 47 last time , it makes no sense for a 36 .I should have done something absolutely terribly wrong. The worst part is I'm never going to know where I went wrong.
Verbal section:
Verbal section was fine. It went smooth and did not have major issues. Though my quants score let me down, the verbal score is the small silver line for the effort i put for 3 weeks.
So Stacey/Ron.
I'm not expecting a 750 or 760. All I want is a decent 680 score and I have to struggle so much. This time though i never struggled during the exam. I felt like an expert when i was solving quant poblems. For eg : I could pick patterns , plug in numbers and cross checked.And having a 47 in the earlier attempt meant i knew i would not fall back much.
Should I stop taking gmat and eventually trashing my MBA dreams?
Can this ever happen to some one 47 - 36 that too in quants for a engineer?
please help!!!
BTW stacey's/ Ron's post have been very instrumental in pushing from 23- 30.
Ron's verbal posts?(CR/SC) are akin to stories. He presents in such a way that You keep reading reading and unknowingly you would have got that concept in your head.Ron's posts make you think not study!!!
Thanks a ton RON( your posts are the main reason for the 23 -> 30)
I hope Instructors at MGMAT can provide some guidance regarding this.
Please provide your valuable inputs.