maroosh88 Wrote:Hi,
I am a bit confused about data sufficiency questions which revolve around obtaining a single value.
I understand that value questions are sufficient only when they yield a single value.
But my question is, what is considered a single value? For example, when I get a result that involves a square root such as (10 square root 2) can this be considered a value? Does a single value refer to an integer only?
Help is appreciated thanks!
Hi maroosh,
You seem to have a good grip on the concept of value questions in data sufficiency.
Yes, a value data sufficiency question is asking for a specific value. An example would be "what is x?" The statements must yield only one possible value for x, or they are insufficient.
A result with a square root is most definitely a specific value, as is a fraction. x could be 5, -2, 1/2, -1/4, or 10sqrt2. As long as any one of these numbers is the ONLY possible value for x, the statement is sufficient. x DOES NOT have to be an integer value.
I hope this helps!