by jenn y. Sat Nov 10, 2007 9:54 pm
Hi Stacey,
It's actually a pretty long answer explanation in the "Make an Inference" section of the CR - Draw a Conclusion guide. The passage is about "curbing government spending." The part I'm referring to reads:
"Answer choice (C) requires an additional step from the premises. The fact that economists no longer recommend reduced gov't spending does not mean that many economists now recommend the opposite...
...Answer choice (B) is correct as it follows directly from the premises. Curbing government spending raises a currency's value. A weaker currency makes a country's exports more competitive. The inverse of this must be true: a stronger currency would make a country's exports less competitive. Thus, curbing government spending can make a country's exports less competitive...
Note that the word can makes this answer choices a very limited claim. It does not state that curbing gov't spending *will* make a country's exports less competitive. It merely states that this is a possibilit, one which follows directly from the premises.
Answer choice (C) is the correct answer."
yikes! I am pretty sure that (B) is the correct answer, but it does seem a little wonky. Typo?