Engineers are attempting to make PX-1000 series cars more environmentally friendly by increasing their use of natural gases. One plan to accomplish this is to use organic waste to power cars. When organic waste decomposes, it releases fuel that is much more powerful than crude oil.
Which of the following, if true, would indicate the most serious weakness in the plan above?
(A) Some parts of the world do not generate enough organic waste to power a significant number of automobiles.
(B) All existing mechanisms to operate engines with fuel drawn from decomposed organic waste are too large to fit in automobiles.
(C) Even if organic waste proves to be an effective alternative to crude oil, some car owners will be reluctant to buy cars that run on this new fuel.
(D) Each year several million tons of organic waste decomposes but is not used to the full extent of its energy potential.
(E) Organic waste is more valuable as fuel to companies required to cut carbon emissions than to automobile drivers.