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Conceptual Problem - Manhattan Advanced GMAT Q# 91

by tajamulhussain56 Sat Sep 21, 2013 3:55 am

This question is form Manhattan Advanced GMAT. There seems so be some conceptual problem with the my process of solving.

If |x| != |y|, xy != 0,
x/(x+y) = n, and x/(x-y) = m,
then x/y = ?

i equate the two x and solve

x/(x+y) = n, and x/(x-y) = m, - equation (0)
x=nx+ny ; x=mx-my - equation (1)

on solving above
x/y=(m+n)/(m-n) - equation (2)

i now substitute values for m and n (3,2) and find the value for x/y. The value turns out to be 5.

But when i substitute the same values in the answer choices, none of the them match.

However, if i substitute the values (say 2,3 again) of x and y in equation (0) and find the corresponding values of m and n, and then substitute the values of m and n in the answer choices, the answer matches the value of x/y that i had chosen(2/3).

Im not able to understand why the answers are not matching x/y when i substitute random values of m,n straightaway in equation (2) and why they do so wen i substitute the values of m,n derived from the substituted values of x,y in equation(0)

Can someone please help in trying me understand where i am going wrong .

a> 3m/2
d>2nm/(m-n) This is the right answer
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Re: Conceptual Problem - Manhattan Advanced GMAT Q# 91

by StaceyKoprince Sun Sep 29, 2013 6:33 pm

Please read (and follow!) the forum guidelines before posting.

This folder is only for general strategy questions, not content or specific test problems. Check out the content / problem folders and post in the relevant folder depending upon the source of the problem you want to post (and make sure to follow the rules about banned sources). If you are a course student, you can also ask about other problems or issues before or after class or during section.

This particular question can be asked in the MGMAT non-CAT Math folder.
Stacey Koprince
Director, Content & Curriculum