Hi guys,
I am going over the FofV cover to cover and have a question regarding this sentence:
pg. 101 Drill 6.1 #3.
"Although Balaji managed to eat 75 hot dogs with incredible speed, the hot-dog-eating contest trophy ultimately went to another competitor. "
So in the answers it says that this sentence is correct. I agree in terms of modifiers, but wouldn't it better if the two clauses used comparative structure? As in, the depended clause describes what B did, so wouldn't it be better to say in the independent clause (main one), what actually happened to him? For example:
Although Balaji managed to eat 75 hot dogs with incredible speed, Balaji did not win the hot-dog-eating contest trophy ultimately went to another competitor.
Although Balaji managed to eat 75 hot dogs with incredible speed, Balaji did not ultimately win the the hot-dog-eating contest's trophy (or trophy of the hot-dog-...).
So on this note, DO the dependent and independent clauses have to be mirroring each other in meaning and structure? If not, in which cases not?
Thank you,