Hi All,
I read somewhere that the method to use is as below. Can someone please tell what is the reasoning behind checking the divisibility only till square root of number n...as highlighted in point#4 below? Why not check the same till n/2 ?
1. Pick a number n.
2. Start with the least prime number, 2. See if 2 is a factor
of your number. If it is, your number is not prime.
3. If 2 is not a factor, check to see if the next prime, 3, is a factor. If it
is, your number is not prime.
4. Keep trying the next prime number until you reach one that is a
factor (in which case n is not prime), or you reach a prime
number that is equal to or greater than the square root of n.
5. If you have not found a number less than or equal to the square
root of n, you can be sure that your number is prime.