I have a quick question I was hoping someone could help me with. I was doing the most recent challenge problem online (Sept 15) about Learning Your ABC's. The solution says the answer is C, but I got the answer B and am having trouble reconciling the two.
-Starting with statement 1, this is insufficient and I got the same answer as the solution.
-However, for statement 2, my answer is a bit different. This statement is saying that ac=b(some odd integer). However, we know from the lead-in that at least one of a, b, or c is even as abc is even. If we assume b is odd, that would mean ac=(odd)(odd) => meaning the product ac is an odd integer, and therefore, a, b, and c would all be odd. However, from the lead-in this cannot be the case. So, b cannot be odd. Therefore, b is even and one of a or b is also even (though this is irrelevant to the question).
Does this answer make sense or is my logic flawed (which is most likely be the case).
Thanks for any help!