Well, took the GMAT for the first time today and as you can see from the subject, my score wasn't exactly anything to write home about.
My problem now, as I try to get my head back into the game so I can prepare for round two, is that I don't know what I did wrong. My actualy score was 110 points lower than the last practice test I took and 50 points lower than my average practice score. I studied every day after work for a full month doing timed drills for 2-3 hours a night and carefully reviewed the problems I did. I took atleast one practice test a week, except for the week right before the exam. I reviewed all of the MGMAT labs and study guides...
I just feel like I did everything I was supposed to and still bombed. I'm disappointed and pissed I have to take another $250 pain-in-the-butt exam, but mostly I just don't know where to begin studying again because I really felt like I did all I could.
Does any one have any advice or words of encouragement or is this just how it goes sometimes with the GMAT? Should I just do more of the same and get back to the grindstone and hope for a better score next time?