I just want to send my belated and unenthralled thanks to two very gifted and patient instructors: Ron Purewal and Andrea Pawliczek. Andrea, I told you from Day 1 that I would not stop until I reached my goal of admission to my target school, and I was actually accepted by both schools to which I applied: Rice and UT-Austin. Thank you Andrea for your fundamental instruction and guidance, and good luck with your PhD at CU-Boulder!!
Ron, I am sure you do not know who the heck I am, but after my Complete Course, I was still a little uncertain if I was ready for test day. I went through every single one of your "Thursdays with Ron" sessions, and it was like pure gold. You understand every intricacy of the GMAT, and you make got the notion out of my head not to focus on 700-level questions exclusively, but instead to focus on the general takeways you could assume from each problem. Ron, whatever they pay you, it's not enough, as you are a truly talented individual. It is one thing to be able to get an 800 score on the GMAT. It is something entirely different to be able to teach it to lay-Sue and help her understand and think like the test takers. My sincere gratitude for all your indirect help.
\m/ Hook em! \m/