Thank you for taking the time to review my profile.
I'm 28 years old. Multi-racial (black-white) with dual citizenship (Germany and United States). I'm legally a resident of Texas.
I received an associate's degree from a small community college in Texas and went on to receive my bachelor's degree from an Ivy League University with a 3.04 while also participating in varsity athletics and working 25+ hours a week (work study, Ivy's don't give full athletic scholarships). Since graduating I've gone on to play professional basketball in Germany and in Spain (I'm in the middle of my 5th season). During two of the four summers since I graduated I interned at a top law firm in New York and spent one summer teaching English in Europe. I recently took the GMATS between games in Madrid and scored 700/5.5. I tanked on the math and think I could bag a 740 with a bit more preparation. I speak Spanish and German, although my German needs some review.
I'm aware that my background is atypical...perhaps about as non-traditional as they come for B-School applicants. On my resume, there's not a great deal I can add to Professional Basketball Player...that I had 17 points and 9 rebounds in the 2006 semi-finals doesn't seem like something the admissions board would be interested in. That said, I was thinking about submitting an application to the University of Texas-Austin Program before the April 1 deadline. I'm just not sure if it's worth going forward with it or if it would be a waste of time to apply so late and with my background. Also, if I were to wait, boost my GMATS and produce some terrific essays, does someone with a background like mine have any chance at all of getting into a top 10 program? What can I do to help myself?
I could really use a qualified 2nd opinion before making any decisions. Again, I sincerely thank you for taking the time to read this.