ashish.jere Wrote:A study published in the British Medical Journal showed that woman who ate nuts more than five times a week were about one third less likely to suffer from coronary heart diseases as those who ate no nuts at all.
A. as those who ate
B. as woman who ate
C. as those eating
D. than woman eating
E. than were those who ate
first of all, i think you're confusing "woman" (singular) with "women" (plural). please be VERY careful with transcription, thanks.
* "one third
less..." must be paired with "than", not "as". (this is the case with "more" and "less" in general: they can't go with "as".)
this consideration knocks out everything except (d) and (e)..
* you need the second part to be parallel to
women who ate nuts more than five times a week. (i'm assuming that you transcribed "women" incorrectly, since you wrote "woman" which makes no sense here)
this means that the PARALLEL construction must be PLURAL - either "women" again, or "those" to represent women - and that it must use the PAST tense in order to make a legitimate comparison with the other half (which is also in the past tense).
only (e) does this.
ans (e)