RonPurewal Wrote:hi, do you have actual proof that this problem is on GMATPrep? the only citations of it anywhere on the web (as far as i can find) are citations from OG.
please provide a screenshot, or else we'll have to delete the thread. sorry for any inconvenience, but we can get in big trouble if we reproduce these things without gmac's consent.
Hi Ron - unfortunately I do not have one at the moment. I will post it immediately once I have it but I guess you can help us with the general question.
is my below understanding correct about the usage of "as"?
"as" can be used in any of the below circumstances otherwise can it considered wrong?
1) Duration --> while, during
As i was driving through the tunnel, Jake couldn't reach me on my mobile
2) Causation --> since, because
Jake handled the crisis well, as he had worked as the chief risk office for Goldman.
3) Comparison --> in the same way
Jake played the guitar, as Jimmy page did
4) Examples -->
As would be the case with any star of similar mass, once the Sun exhausts the hydrogen in its core, it will expand into a red giant and eventually eject to become a dwarf.