- Male
- 26 years old
- Graduated top undergrad (Harvard/ Yale/ Princeton)
- Undergraduate degree in economics
- 3.1 GPA
- Varsity athletics (4 years x-country and track)
- 680 GMAT but am retaking in 2 weeks
- Minority (Pacific Islander) - I know you don't think it makes a difference
- Involved in minority mentorship programs for undergraduate, high school alma mattars, and work related groups for 3 years
- 3.5 years at middle market investment bank recently promoted to Associate
- Intend to transition into corporate development role at large consumer company/ retailer
What are my chances at a top program? Harvard, Wharton, Columbia, Chicago?
Will my GPA and GMAT be a huge barrier to overcome? I intend to go early decision to Columbia this fall.