RonPurewal Wrote:"
by 1945" is a totally different animal.
that construction is specifically used for exactly the same kinds of context where "has/have __ed" and "had __ed" are appropriate:
completion of an action
by a certain point
ongoing action up to a certain point
this post contains a bit more detail about the intent of those two tenses. it goes well beyond what you need to know for this exam, but may nonetheless be illustrative. ... tml#p58397
Hi, Ron, I am still confused about the past perfect tense. Here is how i understand this problem
In the By structure (or within structure, in the last structure), it indicates the action start from a past point and lasts to the time marker
By 1999, astronomers had discovered 17 nearby planets. ('by 1999' indicates a time from the past to 1999 (1999 included))
however, for the until structure, the meaning is subtly different
The sale will continue until 9 pm
Moment 9 P.M. and the sale stops
I suppose 'until' means the action is ended just at the time marker, so it can not use the perfect tense except there is a second past situation to which the first is relevant.
I had been a high-school teacher until 2004. incorrect
I had been a high-school teacher until 2004, but i changed my job in 2004. i suppose this sentence is correct
Is my understanding right?Thank you so much