So I have been prepping for the GMAT for a good two months - from the end of Jan through 3/27 when I took my GMAT. Over the 6 weeks prior to the test, I would say my intensity was a good 7-8 on a scale from 1-10 (10 being the highest). When I took the first GMATprep test I was surprised to see that my verbal score was higher than the quant and I overall I did a 650. I was rather happy about it as my target score is approx 720 and I got the 650 without any practice from any source other than doing the 90 or so problems that come with the prep software and ensuring test conditions.
So I order the MGMAT set of books, the OG13 and the additional guides. Interestingly as I studied more, the practice CATs kept getting lower. Sounds weird right? Its not really because the more I studied the smarter I got and the more I started dwelling on problems and this led to a timing issue. I knew I had to work on my timing and the only way to do this was by taking more tests. I needed more practice and so I ordered the Kaplan Premier to get access to the Kaplan tests.
The following is my CAT history
Source Date Test Number Overall Score
MGMAT 10/28/12 1 580
GMAT PREP 2/4/13 2 650
MGMAT 2/17/13 3 550
MGMAT 2/21/13 4 540
Kaplan CD 5 570
Kaplan CD 6 540
Kaplan CD 7 570
Kaplan CD 8 590
MGMAT 3/8/13 9 610
MGMAT 3/11/13 10 650
MGMAT 3/12/13 11 590
GMAT PREP 3/13/13 12 670
GMAT PREP 3/14/13 13 650
Kaplan Premier 3/19/12 14 690
Kaplan Premier 3/20/13 15 660
Kaplan Premier 3/21/13 16 680
Kaplan Premier 3/25/13 17 690
MGMAT 3/25/13 18 710
Kaplan Premier 3/26/13 19 680
As you see my score went down and then as I worked on my timing, it started to climb. For the last 10 tests, My average math score was about 48 with an 85%+ percentile and verbal was approx 34 and 81 percentile. This increased my confidence and so I sat down for the GMAT.
Test day - 3/27/2013 - overall score 610. Q - 46/71 and V - 28/66 WHAT!??!!! This is lower than my GMATprep scores and almost as if I had not studied at all.
Devastation galore as I was going to apply in round 4 and seemed like that was not an option any longer for a good school and I would have to wait another year (I am in my early mid-30s and the goal was to get into a good MBA program while still considered somewhat young).
Now that I have given it some thought I made a list of what I believe I did wrong and what I did right:
Right -
MGMAT books and went through each one of them.
Got a good grasp of the fundamental (as best as I could)
SC Grail completed
Multiple CAT test under simulated test conditions
All OG problems and reviewing answers on thorough review of all answers, especially the wrong ones.
Wrong -
3 tests in the two days prior to the exam. There must be some truth to not taking test consecutive days.
Math practice the night before (I was nervous) the main game. I think this causes lack of sleep or bad sleep (for me at least).
Verbal prep not extensive enough.
Losing my nerves during the test.
Not confronting the proctor of the test for cutting my second break in half. I used the restroom and as soon as I got back the proctor logged in and I lost 3-4 minutes of my second break. I didnt want to create a scene in the test room or get even more nervous prior to the verbal section.
Needless to say I will be taking the test again. I am all ears for any input anyone may have.