I need some explanation on the answer choices for this Question.
As can be seen from the pic, i chose C due to the structure 'pronounced it as'.
Please do shed some light.
gnc88 Wrote:As can be seen from the pic, i chose C due to the structure 'pronounced it as'.
Please do shed some light.
kunalv3 Wrote:1) If we remove "it as" from answer choice "C" will the sentence be correct.
In answer choice "C", "a work that had taken" implies an earlier action and "pronounced" refers to a later action...hence,can we use the past perfect tense?
2) AC "D" starts with....In 1713,Alexander Pope began translating the iliad....
is anything wrong with the opening sentence? and is "it as" the only error in this sentence.
dipti.ch12 Wrote:I have a doubt,i dont think usage of past perfect tense is correct in choice c,it has to be past tense.After removing"it has" also,sentence is wrong.Thoughts??
Guest Wrote:'A' is wrong because 'a work that took him' is the correct expression.
'It as' is redundant in 'C' and 'D'.
Present perfect 'had taken' is the incorrect verb tense in 'E'.
Omission of 'that' before 'literary critic' in 'E' violates parallelism. 'It' is redundant.
'Pronounced the greates translation' in 'B' is idiomatically correct
Hence 'B'.
ericyuan0811 Wrote:Hi instructors
can we omit the second "that"?
ericyuan0811 Wrote:I got it!
thank you, Ron!!