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Airlines question - GMAT prep

by duyng9989 Wed Jul 03, 2013 4:34 pm


This question is from GMAT prep software. I will post the picture if you question about the source.

The airline's proposed purchases of as many as 250 medium-range planes will probably be the basis of an overhaul of its routes; it is expected that they will increase the number of direct point to point flights, instead of continue to use feeder aircraft to bring passengers to major hubs.
A. it is expected that they will increase the number of direct point-to-point flights, instead of continue
B. It is expected that it will increase the number of direct point-to-point flights, rather than to continue.
C. It is expected that the number of direct point-to-point flights will increase, instead of their continuing
D. The airline is expected to increase the number of direct point-to-point flights, rather than continue
E. The airline is expected to increase the number of direct point-to-point flights, instead of its continuing

Could you explain what is wrong in B and D?

thank you?
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Re: Airlines question - GMAT prep

by ghong14 Fri Jul 05, 2013 4:50 pm

I think the issue between two is a comparison parallelism issue:

B. It is expected that it will increase the number of direct point-to-point flights, rather than to continue.

In B what will increase the number.... is not parallel to continue to (infinitive)

D. The airline is expected to increase the number of direct point-to-point flights, rather than continue

In D this is resolved because to to increase is compared to continue to use

Notice whenever there is a noun that exist that can stand in for a pronoun it will be preferred as well. The Airline for Its.

Not completely sure if my logic is right. But interested to see what the instructors thoughts are.
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Re: Airlines question - GMAT prep

by RonPurewal Sat Jul 06, 2013 10:21 am

duyng9989 Wrote:Hi.

This question is from GMAT prep software. I will post the picture if you question about the source.

The airline's proposed purchases of as many as 250 medium-range planes will probably be the basis of an overhaul of its routes; it is expected that they will increase the number of direct point to point flights, instead of continue to use feeder aircraft to bring passengers to major hubs.
A. it is expected that they will increase the number of direct point-to-point flights, instead of continue
B. It is expected that it will increase the number of direct point-to-point flights, rather than to continue.
C. It is expected that the number of direct point-to-point flights will increase, instead of their continuing
D. The airline is expected to increase the number of direct point-to-point flights, rather than continue
E. The airline is expected to increase the number of direct point-to-point flights, instead of its continuing

Could you explain what is wrong in B and D?

thank you?

if this problem is correctly transcribed, then (d) should be the correct answer ... so, the answer to "what is wrong in D" is, well, nothing.

the big problem in (b) is "... rather than to continue".
if you see "rather than ______", then you know that ______ is the second half of a parallel structure (specifically, a structure describing two alternative outcomes). the problem, here, is that there's nothing earlier in the sentence that could be parallel to "to continue".