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Address Low GPA?

by mbadream Tue May 06, 2008 12:08 am

I was wondering how low does your GPA need to be for you to address it in your application. I went to H/Y/P and participated in varsity athletics. Have been at a boutique IB for past 2.5 years. GPA was ~3.1 in Economics.

Do you think it is necessary to address low GPA with my background. I plan on applying to a top 10.

by MBAApply Tue May 06, 2008 3:18 am

Here's what you need to do:

Necessary -- strong GMAT (with your GPA, realistically you need a 700 or you better have started venture funds in Uzbekistan)

Optional -- take 1 or 2 courses (calculus, stats, algebra, accounting, finance, etc.) at a local community college or continuing education and ace them (get an "A") to show to help show further evidence that you are academically smarter than what the 3.1 suggests.

Alex Chu


by mbadream Tue May 06, 2008 2:41 pm

So you're saying I wouldn't have to address it in essays and application?

I took all of those mentioned courses at H/Y/P and probably grades ranged from A to B- so it probably doesn't show much to drop down to a community college and retake.

I am currently studying for a GMAT retake scored 680 first time around. I'm guessing I need above a 720 to remain competitive for top 10?

by MBAApply Tue May 06, 2008 5:42 pm

3.1 is borderline -- it's not bad that it becomes a huge concern, unless you failed courses. If your grades royally sucked in college, then yes you should at least acknowledge it in the optional essay - but it's literally an acknowledgement and not a dissertation with a list of ironclad excuses (in other words, there's only so much you can say -- beyond a few sentences, the readers' eyes start to roll).

As for GMAT, yes shoot for at least 700. If it's below 700, don't just give up because you're doomed - just know that you have a big hill to climb and you'll need a bit of luck on your side.

Alex Chu