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According to analysts, an alliance between

by AmandaS355 Wed Sep 24, 2014 12:22 pm

Ron, here's my question again, I can't find it in any of the folders, but I think it's from prep. there are discussions about this question in "GMATclub" and "Beat The GMAT" forums, but I'm still not sure about choice D and E.

According to analysts, an alliance between three major personal computer companies and most of the nation’s largest local telephone companies would enable customers to receive Internet data over regular telephone lines with speeds much higher than is currently possible.
A. with speeds much higher than is
B. with speeds that are much higher than are
C. at much higher speeds as are
D. at much higher speeds than that
E. at speeds much higher than are

1) is D incorrect just because "that" should be "those"?
2) what element is omitted in choice E? speeds?
at speeds much higher than (speeds) are currently possible?

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Re: According to analysts, an alliance between

by RonPurewal Mon Sep 29, 2014 2:53 pm

I'd like to see a screen shot as proof that this is actually a Prep problem. If this problem really is from Prep -- from the free software (we can't host paid problems on here) -- the likelihood that no one has asked about it on here is pretty much zero.

so, if the problem is really from the FREE GMAT Prep software, please post a screen shot. Thanks. Until that point, we should defer from discussing the problem.

(No words are "omitted" in the correct answer, and, in general, that's not a workable way to think about comparisons and/or other parallel structures.)
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Re: According to analysts, an alliance between

by thanghnvn Thu Apr 16, 2015 5:56 am

WE CAN go quickly to choice E but there is a problem in choice e

in e, the comparison contains not parallel pattern . so, why do we infer the cut off element, here, "speeds". ?
in all other comparison questions in sc section, the paralel pattern permits us to infer the cut off element. Here in this problem, there is not parallel pattern.

pls, help me understand the usage of gmat in choice e, regarding the cut off element

thank you