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about reading

by RUICHENGQ622 Sat Oct 15, 2016 11:56 pm

I have some problem about reading part in the verbal section. First, everytime I read a reading passage, I would be anxious when I read some material I'm not familiar with.Second, even if i make myself read it, it would spend me so much time that I don't have enough time for questions. Third, even if I feel confortbale about the topic discussed in the passage, I would read it thoroughly to make sure I understand every sentence,but there are still some questions I choose the wrong answer, and more importantly, I have no idea about the reading structure in every passage, thus in the main point question, I always choose wrong, In the detail question, sometimes I refer back to the wrong part in the passage. I tried to pay much attention in the function of every sentence in the passage, but I don't think I make progress. So I really need some help. :cry: :cry: :cry:
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Re: about reading

by RonPurewal Sun Oct 16, 2016 9:30 am

here you are basically asking about EVERYTHING in the ENTIRE RC section. clearly, this is not the sort of thing that can be discussed in a single forum post.

the purpose of this forum is to host specific questions about specific problems (or—in the General Questions folder—specific questions about specific aspects of the exam as a whole).
if you are looking for an introduction as general is this, please consider signing up for a full course or self-study program.

thank you.