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A middleweight black hole weighs in at roughly 500 solar

by tankobe Thu Nov 26, 2009 5:30 am

A middleweight black hole weighs in at roughly 500 solar masses, hundreds of times more massive than the lightweight black holes produced by the collapse of individual stars, but thousands or even millions of times less in its mass as the heavyweight giants that lurk in the centers of galaxies.

(A) thousands or even millions of times less in its mass as
(B) it is thousands or even millions of times less massive as
(C) thousands or even millions of times less massive than
(D) yet it is thousands or even millions times less massive than
(E) yet it is thousands or even millions of times less in its mass than

Source: GMATPrep test2; OA is C
I can pick up the right option, but there 3 things making me confused:

1# the phrase in red color is a modifier that modifies 500 solar masses or A middleweight black hole, which one dose the phrase modify?(i think that, if a modifer such as adj phrase is intended to modify the subject,there should not be a Noun or Object before the modifier to avoid ambiguity.)

2# When writting A, B, and C, we need two comma, but when writting A and B, we don't need comma. In Option (C), 'A'--hundreds of times more massive than the lightweight black holes produced by the collapse of individual stars , but 'B'--thousands or even millions of times less massive than the heavyweight giants that lurk in the centers of galaxies dose consist of a comma. why? could explain the context in which we need a comma in A, and/but B?(this issue is a tricky one since we know there should be a subclause when but/and follow a comma.)

3# i have nerver seen the usage of less in its mass,or in its number,height, and volume ; regardless the special context of this quetion, could such usage be gramatically ok? if so, could you provide an example?
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Re: A middleweight black hole weighs in at roughly 500 solar

by gmatango Sat Nov 05, 2011 4:53 pm

I came across this question today in GMAT prep and choose D.

Instructors any thoughts why C is correct as "comma + but" should follow an independent clause.

Although I understand but and yet seem to be redundant, I cannot reason out C.

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Re: A middleweight black hole weighs in at roughly 500 solar

by RonPurewal Wed Nov 23, 2011 7:29 am

gmatango Wrote:I came across this question today in GMAT prep and choose D.

Instructors any thoughts why C is correct as "comma + but" should follow an independent clause.

Although I understand but and yet seem to be redundant, I cannot reason out C.


3 things.


2 --
in choice (c) the commas are a non-issue anyway; they belong to the modifier, not to the overall structure of the sentence. (try removing the modifier; you should be able to write the remaining sentence without that comma.)

3 --
among the main reasons why punctuation isn't tested is that it is inconsistent. in particular, longer sentences tend to use more punctuation, and shorter sentences tend to use less.

for instance,
i tried hard but failed
i tried hard, but failed
both acceptable; the difference is mostly rhetorical (and 100 percent outside the domain of the gmat).

i tried as hard as i could until i was totally exhausted, but failed anyway
--> this one pretty much has to be written with the comma, because without the comma it's essentially unreadable. (take out the comma and see how weird it becomes.)

most importantly, though, refer to #1 above.
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Re: A middleweight black hole weighs in at roughly 500 solar

by AbhilashM94 Sun Jul 13, 2014 6:15 am


Why is D wrong?
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Re: A middleweight black hole weighs in at roughly 500 solar

by RonPurewal Thu Jul 17, 2014 5:35 am

AbhilashM94 Wrote:Ron,

Why is D wrong?

"But" + "yet" = redundant.
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Re: A middleweight black hole weighs in at roughly 500 solar

by RonPurewal Thu Jul 17, 2014 5:38 am

The funny thing about this sentence is that, mathematically, it's complete nonsense.
There's no such thing as "n times less than" something in the physical world, since it would be negative. (e.g., "5 times greater than x" is 6 times x. "5 times less than x" would be -4 times x.)

Presumably, the sentence is just using "x is millions of times less massive than y" (incorrectly) as a reversed form of "y is millions of times more massive than x". (The latter is a perfectly legitimate assertion.)

SC will never require mathematical thinking, of course, but it's interesting that the editors allowed a sentence that is, mathematically, complete nonsense.
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Re: A middleweight black hole weighs in at roughly 500 solar

by 750plus Fri Jul 03, 2015 2:29 pm


A middleweight black hole weighs in at roughly 500 solar masses, hundreds of times more massive than the lightweight black holes produced by the collapse of individual stars, but thousands or even millions of times less in its mass as the heavyweight giants that lurk in the centers of galaxies.

I have questions here.

1. What is this ' hundreds of times more massive than the lightweight black holes produced by the collapse of individual stars ' referring to ? Logically it should refer to ' middleweight black hole ' but I am sceptic because it will jump over the verb 'weighs'.

2. Is ' millions times ' correct in option D.

3. What apart from 'but yet ' is a problem in option E.

Warm Regards
Rajat Gugnani
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Re: A middleweight black hole weighs in at roughly 500 solar

by RonPurewal Tue Jul 07, 2015 8:23 am

is this problem actually in the official software?

i'm skeptical, because 'xxx times LESS massive...' is a completely meaningless nonsense junk phrase.
(mathematically, it's actually a negative number! for instance, i weigh about 200 pounds. mathematically, '1000 times less than my weight' would actually be negative 999 times my weight, or -199,800 pounds.)

therefore let's halt discussion of this problem until someone produces a screenshot from the official software. thanks.