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A mere 590 :(

by rahul.manhat Sat Aug 24, 2013 5:13 pm

Hi Instructors,

I do not know where to start. Today i took the GMAT and failed big time. I scored a mere 590(Q:43,v:28).

I took close to 6 months to prepare.
What shocks and saddens me the most is the fact that when i took the 1st GMAT prep without any preparation, i had scored a 610.

I was doing well on my Quant section in the MGMAT tests and have mostly scored between 45 to 47. I scored a 48 in Quant on the last GMAT prep test. I was able to answer most of the questions and was left with 25-28 minutes for the last questions. I was little surprised by that but i thought may be everything was ok.

On the Verbal , I scored a 28. I was picking up pace on SC and CR towards the exam.I had practiced all the drills such as the CR question type analysis. I am just not able to understand why everything got messed up. I lost 2 min. on my Verbal test because i exceeded my break. Also in the middle of the exam , my pen was not stopped working so had to get another pen. May be i lost focus because of that. I know i must not attribute my failures to these things and make such excuses. I am totally devastated and not sure. I think i am not bad at Verbal or Quant but may be i lack focus.

Please advise :( Looking forward to hear from you.