nachikett13 Wrote:RJ Wrote:hi Stacy,
This problem is still the same, no change yet in the language. I spent a lot of time trying to figure out the question before i thought of posting about it, and I find that i am not alone..:-)
So jsut thought of updating so that something can be done to rectify this and save future mgmat students time adn efforts.
Hi Stacy and esledge,
I am still not convinced with this explanation. The problem is that it is difficult to assume that C=0.1(F+C+G). My thought process goes as follows: The C trees are added only after the F+G cross-pollinate. That means if the author says that '10% of the trees cross-pollinated' we cant assume that there already were C trees before the cross-pollination happened. According to me, it should be C=0.1(F+G). The case would have changed had the author mentioned pure Gala and pure Fiji right from the start, sadly he doesn't.
Can you please clarify my doubt? I am not trying to question an official solution; I'm just trying to get my interpretations correct.
Emily explains it above about as well as anyone could. I'm not sure I'm reading your comment exactly the way you meant it, but I think the mistake that you are making is here: thinking that the C trees are "added" after the cross-pollination. That is not correct; these trees do not join the sample (as in, new trees don't sprout). I am just changing the status of some of my existing F and G trees to the status of C. Let me give an example that I hope will help make it more clear:
10 people are standing with wet blue paint on their hands.
10 people are standing with wet red paint on their hands.
10% of this sample touches someone with the opposite color paint, creating purple hands (blue + red = purple). This is the cross-pollination.
Thus, of the 20 people, 2 people touch hands with someone of the other color. Thus, 1 red handed and 1 blue handed person must touch each other.
I now have 9 blue, 9 red, and 2 purple, but notice that my sample stayed the same. I just changed the color status of some of the sample.
I hope this helps at all.