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70 point difference in GmatPrep 1 and GmatPrep2

by japjeet.s Sat Jan 25, 2014 10:16 am

Hello All

I recently wrote both the GMAT prep exams . While the quant score was the same for both

The verbal score dopped by 7 points .

GMAT prep1 :710 (q49,V38)
GMAT perp 2 : 640 (q49,V 31 )

The incorrect questions count in verbal in Prep1 exams were 13 and in perp 2 was 12 . Could someone help me understand what happend ?

I expected the score to be higher this time and it fell like anything . I have GMAT schuduled on 29th ... 4 days left :(

I have scored almost consistently in MGMAT V 37 38 . This is the worst score i have got so far :(

Has anyone faced the same issue ..

Please help !!!!
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Joined: Tue Aug 14, 2007 8:23 am

Re: 70 point difference in GmatPrep 1 and GmatPrep2

by RonPurewal Mon Jan 27, 2014 6:08 am

This is the wrong folder for this question. This kind of topic should be posted in the General GMAT folder, not here.
