I am a female applicant and will have 6 years work experience before starting Business school. I work in education research and consulting now and did Teach for America directly after school. I use quant skills in my job.
My scores are as in the subject and am trying to decide if I can, due to timing issues, and need to retake the GMAT. I am likely to get a lower score on the quantatative, than verbal, but this score was particularly low for me as I missed the first 5 minutes of the test and then panicked due to a moderator issue. The rest of the test is quite painless and I believe I can score similarly.
I am planning to apply to the top 10 schools, as well as a few others, for first deadline. I have a few questions on this. Is it still worthwhile to retake the test after turning in applications (I will not be able to retake until after the deadline)? Should I retake given that I will likely move to around a 720? Does my IR score improve schools impression of my quant skills?