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660 to 710 in a month

by gmatjanred Mon Nov 28, 2011 8:58 am

Hello all,

i am just back from taking the GMAT and score a 710(Q48, V38 92%). Although 710 may not be a spectacular score, to me this score means a lot. After i scored 660 on Oct27, I had exactly one month left to finish my b-school application. I wondered if i should concentrate my resources on the essays or on GMAT. I am happy that I took the risk.
I dont need to give any tips for GMAT prep, but I have one thing to say to re-takers. Re-taking is worthwhile only if you believe in yourself. I never crossed 700 in any of prep tests (MGMAT, GMATP) but I was aware that if I gave my best shot on the exam day I had a chance.There was a moment after 40 min on the Verbal section when I was so tired and just wanted to complete the damn thing.But then I kept saying to myself not to loose focus and tried to concentrate.I guess this helped.
If you still reading, I guess you want some info. on how to break the 700 barrier while retaking.So here is my study plan.

OG, MGMAT Math guides, Verbal Review 2 Edition
MGMAT 1-6 : 660,680,690,690,670,680
GMAT Prep : 690
GMAT1: 660

Used the same material + CR Bible
GMAT2 : 710

Many thanks to the MGMAT guys for these wonderful forums.