I took my GMAT exam a few days back and I scored too low in that,merely 620(Q48/84% and V27/43%) and 4/21% in writting. I was not expecting this much score .I started in January,2008. Five months back,in April, I scored 640 in GMATPrep 1 and one month back on the 16th of August,2008 I scored 690 in GMATPrep 2. I am a Dentist so I thought I need more effort as I never studied maths after my schooling which I did 14 years back. Verbal was also a difficult concern for me as in medical field english terminology is drastically different. Having this in my mind,I studied nearly 18 books and studied regularly 7 hours a day. So this score has raised some doubts in my mind about my performance. Actually,I am thinking that I made some mistakes there.Please let me know whether I am correct or not.
1---- I didn't click the NEXT button on the two Analytical Writting sections so the computer showed me 'YOUR TIME HAS EXPIRED'.That's why I got low score in that section.I did this to gain a few seconds only because I thought that I have completed the anlytical writting so I should focus on the re-reading of the written agrument and the issue rather then caring for the time that has been allotted,as it will automatically expire.
2----I didn't click the confirm button for the last question (though I completed all the questions 37/37 and 41/41) on the Quantitative and the Verbal sections so the computer showed me 'YOUR TIME HAS EXPIRED'.That's why I got low score in that section.My reason for doing this was the same as above,I thought I have clicked the answer choice so the computer will automatically confirm that answer as that was the last question.
3----I got low scores because I didn't completed all the four sections in time and this includes the two analytical sections also,means not completing the analytical section also gives penanlity on that overall score which is from 800.
Though the GMAT bulletin mentions the penality for not completing the Quantitative and Verbal sections it has not mentioned that what if somebody doesn't complete the analytical section on the exam and is there there any penality on the overall score(from 800) and the score of that section ,for not completing the analytical section. Please let me know about these 3 question,I will be thankful to you.