The smoke has cleared, the test has come and gone. Feel free to share your experiences with your peers.

610 - 3rd time

by Guest Sun Sep 14, 2008 12:28 am

So I've taken the ManhattanGmat course. Completed over 12 practice test and taken the GMAT 3 times.


The last two times, I scored low on verbal. It was the same this time around but I worked hard on verbal and math.

The last three manhattangmat test I finally got some consistency.
Practice - 670
Practice - 680
Practice - 700

The practice exams were over the course of 4 days.

I really thought verbal would carry my score this time but I was disappointed.

So now the question is...I can't apply for R1 for the schools I want. But I can retake the test. However, I need to know from everyone whether I need a new prep company or if I'm doing something wrong. I've spent money on the course, then renewing the practice exams for MGMAT, spent 250 on the test more than once. !!

ANY AND ALL HELP IS NEEDED. Where do I go from here? I've reviewed, taken practice exams, practiced, sacrificed.

The staff hasn't replied to any of my other would be nice to get some help on this one though.


by rags Mon Sep 15, 2008 6:00 pm

Did you take any GMATPREP tests? How did you do with them?