I can't stop myself from thanking the entire Manhattan GMAT team.
I respect the accuracy level of your CATs because today I gave the real thing and got the same 710 as I was getting in all the 5 Manhattan CATs. Although in my last CATs I was scoring more than what I got in the real thing but I cannot complain now, especially after seeing 560 and 670 in my previous attempts.
Than you Manhattan and Beat the GMAT club (where I got to know about Manhattan GMAT )
My CATs:
MGMAT Free: 730
MGMAT 1 :710
MGMAT 2 :710
MGMAT 3 :710
MGMAT 4 :710
MGMAT 5 :710
MGMAT 6 : 760
MGMAT 1 (repeat) : 770
KAPLAN Online (Free): 680
Knewton GMAT online (Free) : 680
Power Prep 1 : 710
Power Prep 2: 710
Gmat prep 1: 710
Gmat prep 2: 710
Gmat Prer 1(Repeat) : 760
Gmat prep 1 (Repeat) : 700
Gmat Prer 2(Repeat) : 760
I have one question: How is ADCOMs view multiple gmat attempts especially 3 attempts? Can my 710 be respected equally with those who get it one attempt?
Thanks a lot Manhattan GMAT