Study and Strategy questions relating to the GMAT.
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4th retake?

by jayson.wu Wed Aug 12, 2009 9:34 pm

I recently took the GMAT for the 3rd time and received a 540 (Q42 V23). I am very disappointed based on my scores from practice tests that were in the 650 range. My previous tries were 490 and 620 (Q41 V35). My tutor feels that I am capable of scoring 650+. Should I try once more or just try my luck with the scores I have?
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Re: 4th retake?

by Kweku.Amoako Thu Aug 13, 2009 12:49 am

I understand most business schools use the highest score if you have taken the exam 3 times or less. If you take it more than 3 times, your score will be averaged out.

Your current average is 550. To score above your highest score you will have to hit at least 830(technically) on your next exam, which is obviously not possible.

Your options

1) Settle for 620
2) Take the exam about 2 more times if you are confident you can hit above 700 each time
3) Call the admissions office of the school and explain your situation. They might just settle for your highest score out of 4. If so, then it might be worth taking it a forth time if you are absolutely sure you can hit above 650 ( your practice tests should indicate)
ManhattanGMAT Staff
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Re: 4th retake?

by StaceyKoprince Fri Aug 14, 2009 4:04 pm

I haven't heard of schools averaging scores if you take it more than 3 times. Which schools do that?

What I've heard is that there are some schools who average scores and some who take the high scores, but that if someone takes it more than 3 times, then schools that take the high score may make a note that it took the person 4+ tries.

Have you tried to figure out why your real test scores are dropping so much? I note that your verbal score on your third test was a lot lower, while your quant score was about the same. What was different on the 3rd test vs. the 2nd on verbal? Was it also your verbal score that fluctuated on the 1st test? How are your sub-section scores compared to your practice test scores - is it the verbal that's really dropping?

When you take your practice tests, do you take them under full official conditions, including essays?

What time of day do you start the official tests? Add 2.5 hours. Are you typically awake and mentally alert at that time of day? (eg, sometimes people will start at 11 or noon, and when they hit the verbal section in mid-afternoon, that's the time of day when they usually have that "post-lunch, I want to take a nap" feeling.) So that's not a great time to do the verbal!

How did you feel while taking the test, nerves-wise and stamina-wise? Especially the third one.
Stacey Koprince
Director, Content & Curriculum