Hi Ron,
I have some doubts regarding some MGMAT questions. Not sure if you're able to answer but I'm quite lost.
(1st problem)
As for the absolute value, I understand the concept but how to apply it to a problem like this
If x is not equal to 0, is |x| less than 1?
< x
(2) |x| > x
(2nd problem)
As for the plug in numbers vs algebra, how to solve this (I thought the answer was D and yeah the easy concept of mean/median is clear):
Given the ascending set of positive integers { a, b, c, d, e, f}, is the median greater than the mean?
(1) a + e = (3/4)( c + d)
(2) b + f = (4/3)( c + d)
(3rd problem)
When reading the following problem I assumed that n = AB (A=tens digit, B=unit digit) and when n / 5 = ... ,A (A being the remainder). So from n/5 and n=3 (6 was going to be the remainder and tens digit of n). I don't get it:
What is the value of the two-digit positive integer n?
(1) When n is divided by 5, the remainder is equal to the tens digit of n.
(2) When n is divided by 9, the remainder is equal to the tens digit of n.
(last question)
When there is a % symbol, do we always just consider the number referred to it instead of 60% using 60/100?