Hi - I was hoping to please have some guidance. I first took the GMAT at the end of May and scored a 640 (44Q, 35V). I unfortunately grossly mis-timed myself and my verbal score suffered significantly. While I was upset, I wasn't too beat up about the verbal score because I mainly attributed it to timing (I scored a 41V on GMAT Prep and 41+ on 800score tests).
After my first attempt, I decided to work through the Advanced Quant book. I found the book very helpful in providing guidance on attacking exponential equations and quadratics. I practiced timed sets and reviewed each problem thoroughly, ensuring to pull away at least one "takeaway" on each problem.
I re-took the exam this past weekend and performed significantly worse on the Quant (35Q, 38V). I find this quite worrisome; I didn't even score this low on the first CAT I took... the CAT I took before I even started studying!
While I'm not going to ask "what went wrong", I would like to ask if you have any suggestions on how I should approach my game plan this next month.
Thank you