1998 saw several new ventures promoting online distance learning both at the college and gradual level. But also faculty members in large numbers began questioning whether the computer screen was an adequate replacement for the classroom.
A. Same
B. In 1998 several new ventures were promoting online distance learning for both college-and for graduate-level courses, but it was also a year for a large number of faculty members who began
C. With several new ventures promoting online distance learning for both college- and graduate-level courses, it was also a year when a large number of faculty members began
D. Although1998 saw several new ventures promoting online distance learning for both college- and graduate-level courses, it was also a year when a large number of faculty members began
E. Several new ventures were promoting online distance learning in 1998, at both the college level as well as the graduate, but it was also a year for faculty members to begin in large numbers
D is the correct answer
My two cents -
The intent of the sentence is to show the contrast between the two ideas 1) new ventures in 1998 2) faculty members’ opinion against the ventures. It is best done by introducing a subordinate conjunction "˜Although’ that connects the subordinate clause with the independent clause. So (D) is the best choice
Errors in other choices: -
A. Doesn’t express the contrast. Also the subject of the first clause is 1998, but the subject of the second clause members. It doesn’t follow the parallelism properly
B. Need a subordinate conjunction to express the contrast
C. "˜had begun’ past perfect introduces ambiguity. It is not needed unless we have other event that has started after this one ended.
E. is so awkward I don’t know where to start from.
Can someone/instructors confirm if I am on track here?