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10 weeks to go

by usmantanvir Sun Feb 15, 2009 5:14 am

Hi Everyone

I have just registered for my GMAT which I will be taking in 10 weeks. I have all the Manhattan books and the orginal guide. I have also ordered the latest OG12 which will be out on 23rd March. I gave the test from the official gmat website and got a 600. I want to improve my score well beyond 750. Is it possible in 10 weeks. I work full time so wont be able to study all the time.

Thanks and best of luck to everyone on the exam.
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Re: 10 weeks to go

by StaceyKoprince Mon Feb 16, 2009 11:01 pm

It is extraordinarily challenging to score 750+. By definition, less than 2% of test-takers score at that level. Some people do, so it's possible... but it's very, very difficult.

That doesn't mean you shouldn't go for it! I just want you to know what you're up against. (Also, is there some reason why you feel you need that high of a score? I don't think there's a school on the planet that requires that kind of score!) :)

To go from a 600 to a 700 typically takes 2 to 4 months of regular study. "Regular study" means 1.5 to 2 hours of study a night four days a week (usually on weekdays / workdays) and 2 to 4 hours of study each day on week-ends. Some people take less time than this and some take more - but that's pretty typical. Some people also do not achieve the increase that they want - regular study doesn't guarantee a particular result, of course.

So 10 weeks is within that range but on the lower end, and you are trying for a 750, not a 700 - you may need more time to hit your goal. Luckily, you can adjust as necessary. Take practice tests periodically (every 2-3 weeks) and see how you're doing. If you need more time, then just postpone your test!
Stacey Koprince
Director, Content & Curriculum