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Profile Evaluation

by KananA566 Tue Feb 16, 2016 10:44 pm

Last edited by KananA566 on Wed Apr 06, 2016 10:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Profile Evaluation

by mbamissionjenK Wed Feb 17, 2016 4:28 pm

Hi Kanan,

Thank you for posting, and I am impressed with your drive and perseverance, and all you've accomplished thus far. And congrats on that GMAT!!

You have a number of strengths to your profile, and my feeling would be that LBS would be interested in you. Namely:

-excellent GMAT
-great grad school and alternate transcript GPAs
-entrepreneurial experience
-strong leadership & management experiences
-international experiences
-volunteering and community focused experiences
-fairly underrepresented nationality
-ability to manage quite a lot successfully as you've demonstrated

Your main weakness would just be that undergrad GPA, which in some cases can be insurmountable, but given all else you've accomplished, and given that the recent academic factors of GMAT and grad school etc are outstanding, I would think and hope you'd be able to get an interview invite if your essays, recommendations, and application are strong. Of course be sure to show a strong connection with LBS... if you have not yet, get in touch with current students/alum and get some insight into what the student experience is like and show the school how well you know it and your passion for it. Keep us posted on how we can help at any point!
Jennifer Kedrowski

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Re: Profile Evaluation

by KananA566 Fri Feb 19, 2016 11:08 pm

I really appreciate your reply. It is very inspiring and shows me that my experience can pay off.

Thank you for your advice about getting in touch with current students/alumni from LBS. I think many people from this forum will be interested in how we can build relationship with alumni from our target school. I know it may sound weird but how do we approach these people so we do not get denied or ignored. Does it matter how many people we talk to? Is it helpful to include them in my essays to prove the admission committee that I am very interest in their school and that I tried my best to find out about it?

Thank you for your time.
ManhattanGMAT Staff
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Re: Profile Evaluation

by mbamissionjenK Mon Feb 22, 2016 6:54 pm

Hi there,

Glad to be of help! Yes I wholeheartedly encourage reaching out to at least one but sure potentially several (as many as you'd like really) current students and/or recent alumni of your target programs!

Many schools have designated student representatives or ambassadors who are more than happy to share their experiences with you!! ;) The school, and the students, want to make sure everyone knows how great the program is!

Check out this page of LBS student ambassadors:

https://www.london.edu/experience/stude ... suRIOYmRQp

They have email addresses included! So just reach out and share your interest in the program and ask q's about their experiences!

For schools where you cannot locate student ambassadors, you can still reach out to admissions and ask to be put in touch with a current student and most are willing to do so. And yes there is the potential to touch on your communication with students in the essays and/or interview which can potentially be a plus as you've indicated.

Hope that helps and good luck!
Jennifer Kedrowski

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Re: Profile Evaluation

by KananA566 Wed Feb 24, 2016 10:00 pm

Thank you for your response. I will definitely follow your advice.

I am currently in real estate development field, and I am planning to stay in the same field after my MBA. London Business School accepts many people with consulting and finance background (around 60-70%?). I was wondering if my field is an advantage for me or I need to "sell myself" harder. Do I need to mention it frequently in my essay to show my unique background?


Kanan Azizli.
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Re: Profile Evaluation

by mbamissionjenK Thu Feb 25, 2016 11:10 pm

Hi there,

There are going to be others coming from RE and RE development... but you're right, the pool of applicants (and incoming students) will be a lot smaller than for areas such as consulting, finance, even engineering in many cases... it is a good idea to give some examples of your prior experiences to illustrate the perspective (and somewhat less common industry) that you'll bring to the class, yes.... it's also often the case that you are compared most with people most like you, so aim to show why you, of other real estate applicants, have the most value to bring. ;) Hope that helps!
Jennifer Kedrowski

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Re: Profile Evaluation

by KananA566 Thu Feb 25, 2016 11:26 pm

I will do my best to get accepted into my dream school.
It was pleasure talking to you. I appreciate your valuable advice. :)

Thank you for your time!
ManhattanGMAT Staff
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Re: Profile Evaluation

by mbamissionjenK Mon Feb 29, 2016 11:24 pm

You are most welcome!
Jennifer Kedrowski

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