Hi Ron,
Thanks for the great approach! I've learned so much from your replies and your lecture :)
I thought up two other ways to tackle this when we combine both statements (given that I already know that either statement alone isn't sufficient), please let me know if my reasoning is correct, thanks!
approach # 1
GT=greater than LT=less than
500=3M + GT 2M <--p
if GT 2M or p equals 2M, then 500=5M or 100=M. That's the maximum value that M can get, even so, p which is GT 2M must be GT 2(100) or GT 200. If we reduce M, then "GT 2M" or p will only get even more bigger than 200 in order for us to have 500 in total, hence sufficient.
My inspiration for using this method came from you and other's solution in this problem:
last-month-15-homes-were-sold-in-town-x-t4373.htmlapproach # 2: since the problem asks for: is p>150K, if I can prove that both the case of p<150k and p>150 work in the statement's condition, or the combined statements' condition, then it proves the statement's insufficiency in giving me a specific value (for value DS question) or a specific range of possible values (for yes/no DS question) for the unknown.
I make p>150 a preferred answer/yes to the question
and p<150 a not preferred answer/no to the question
And try both preferred and not preferred values in the statement to see if both work, if so, then the statement isn't sufficient.
so: 500=3M + GT 2M <----p
try a preferred value, say p > 150
then equation becomes:
500=3M + GT 150
3M = LT 350
3M <350
then try a not preferred value, say p < 150
500=3M + LT 150
500=GT 350 + LT 150 or 3M = GT 350
thus 3M > 350
M> 350/3
since depends on the value we choose, M's value changes, it means that the combined statement must give us a specific range of possible values for M, thus sufficient.
I know this sounds very complicated, but I've always had trouble with inequality and YES/NO DS until this post inspired me to use this method to knock off insufficient statement.
if-1-000-is-deposited-in-a-certain-bank-account-t3209.htmlI like how someone uses r<8 and r>8 to try on statements to prove insufficiency.
Sorry for writing so much, your response is much appreciated!