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PT 57, S1, Q12, Which one of the following could be the toys

by mitchliao Wed Jan 26, 2011 10:57 pm

How did you eliminate (C)? I can see why (B) is correct after understanding that P and I would for L & U into being mauve, but that took me awhile to figure out.

Is there a line a reasoning that one can use through the rules to rule (C) out quickly?
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Re: PT 57, S1, Q12, Which one of the following could be the toys

by mineale1975 Thu Feb 10, 2011 2:22 pm

This one was tough for me, but I think think you may have done what I did on the mauve rule.

In C; there is Iguanadon = green, Plateosaur = yellow, Stegosaur = red, the rule for Lambeosaur and Ultrasaur is the if both, 1 is NOT mauve. I missed that and wrote the constraint as; if both L & U then both ARE mauve, which is wrong. Am I wrong here?
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Jackie Chiles
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Re: Q12

by mlbrandow Sun Apr 29, 2012 6:39 pm

(C) breaks the first rule, and so you can eliminate it.

S must be Red.
I must be Green.
P must be Yellow.
At least one of L and U cannot be mauve.

But exactly two must be Mauve.

Therefore, (C) cannot be correct.
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Vinny Gambini
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Re: PT 57, S1, Q12, Which one of the following could be the toys

by amber Sat May 07, 2016 5:15 pm

I got confused and put D. Not quite sure which rule eliminates D. Could someone help me out here?
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Atticus Finch
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Re: Q12

by ohthatpatrick Tue May 17, 2016 2:44 am

Let me put up a complete explanation for posterity.

Question Type: Orientation

Task: take each rule and see whether it breaks any of the answer choices

some rules here are about the seven dinos, some are about the colors. Since we can only see the dinos, we should first judge the answers according to those rules.

Rule 2 – there’s gotta be a stegosaur

(D) is eliminated.

Rule 5 – if V, no U. If U, no V.

(A) and (E) are eliminated.

So then we’re down to (B) and (C), and it’s not real easy to ‘see’ any of the remaining rules. This is a rare Orientation question for which most of us would be wise to write out (B) or (C) and assign colors so that we can see what we’re missing.

(B) L P S T U

let’s assign the colors we know.


Seems okay. We need two mauve, but they can’t be both L and U. But LT or UT seems fine.

(C) I L P S U

Let’s assign the colors we know.


We need two mauve, and they can’t be both L and U, but those are the only two left.

(C) is eliminated.

The correct answer is (B).